In a social bookmarking system, Internet users save links to Web sites that want to they remember and/or share. This social bookmarks are usually public and can be saved privately, shared only with specified people or groups, only in certain networks or a different combination of public and private domains together. Only the allowed people can view these social bookmarks sequentially by category or tags, or via a search engine.
How social bookmarking do you use?
First, you decide which sites to use bookmarking for social, Next, call the site and register, and then install the buttons in the toolbar When you visit a Web page that you want to save, click a "-" button. A window will pop up with the URL and page name and optional fields you can add notes and tags. (Tags are one word descriptors - this is the way to bookmark systems to categorize content so that you and other users can find it.) An other button takes you to a page with your saved bookmarks and their associated tags. If the tags created click you one, you will be taken to a page with the list of your saved pages with this tag You can view contents of this tag or the most popular examples associated with all users. Can the site Inbox feature, with a particular tag stored content or by a specific user or subscribe to a combination of the two stored content If you a day or look for a term, click on the website, include the results details of how many members have saved each element and all tags that contain them for it.
Social bookmarking created a real Web resources and connections-one that focuses not only on individuals and their folders subject to, but represents the interests and the decisions of a community of users.
Which social bookmarking offers major advantages are:
The entire tag-based categorization of Internet resources (such as websites) is made by the people, to understand the content of the resource A social bookmarking system can grade on how many times it has been bookmarked by users (the useful or amusing or otherwise especially to recall and sharing). Social bookmarking is useful for users as a way to access a combined group of bookmarks from different computers, organize large numbers of bookmarks and bookmarks to share with friends and other contacts Social-bookmarking useful for libraries as an easier way to provide lists of informative links to patrons
Although social bookmarking offers many advantages, there are also some disadvantages.
Social bookmarking can be also susceptible to corruption and conspiracy In social bookmarking, no false standard set of keywords that are standard for the structure which such tags tagging due to spelling errors, tags, can have more than a meaning Social bookmarking developers have to constantly adjust their security system to overcome abuse by spammers.