By utilizing social bookmarking the right way you will be able to funnel large amounts of targeted traffic to your site or blog. Just make sure you have a well working site and fresh content or product. People are usually intrigued when they see your vote or referral on social sites like Reddit or Digg. This will spark their interest in your site thus generating traffic that is targeted towards your site. Now, if you have a great price or information that they like, you will get word of mouth referrals that can't be quantified. Actual referrals are the best method of any marketing. Social bookmarking sites can be called as search engines of a different kind where people are looking around for targeted information or want something specific. When your in a bookmarking site your basically in another community. The major difference between Google or Bing and the social bookmarking sites is that these sites are driven by users and not controlled by the search engine bots or hired workers. An article, service or product is rated based on customer feedback, meaning people vote for articles they find useful, share it with others, and the new reader votes for it. In other words social sites are controlled by the community.
So if you're going to utilize social bookmarking as a means of marketing your site, providing the proper information so that people find it interesting is crucial. Remember, it's all about the content and fresh content that people find interesting will bring them back for more. If you want visibility and you don't have access for link building, social bookmarking must be part of your online marketing efforts. If your goal is to be successful at bringing traffic in with social bookmarking, then you need to follow the proven guidelines that will make this happen for you. The first thing you need to do as you begin social bookmarking is to make sure the title you are using will attract the readers interest. If the title or first line does not grab them, they won't read it or click onto your article or post. Many quality articles go to waste and no one reads them because the title wasn't enticing enough, which means this one factor can make or break your whole campaign. This has been a popular topic amongst newspapers and publications since the early days of marketing. Once you have developed an eye-catching title, the next essential element is the article's subject.
Along with your goal of directing traffic to your site, keeping visitor's attention with informative content, will also be essential for a successful campaign. You want each article to have a summary, or intro, that is short and enticing as well. This will cause the reader to want to continue on to the main article. However, if a reader does continue on to the main article, it has to be just as appealing as the title and intro. Basically, create good content from the beginning to end. If you don't know how to you should consider hiring a content writer or freelance writer. This is where your relevant content comes in, which should go with the title and has to flow well. It is your content that makes people want to bookmark your page. If it's something unique that they feel they can use later some time, they will definitely bookmark it. First and foremost, your bookmark's title doesn't need to match your article's title.
There is more flexibility than that. In fact, you should try to keep it different and eye catching, unless you already have a good title on your website. It is your bookmarks title that will be the main reason people decide to click though or simply move on. You need your title to attract peoples attention enough that they decide to visit your site and read your article. Remember that being unique is the key to success here since you're competing with thousands of sites that are also bookmarked. You also want to make sure that the description for your bookmark is good. The description is brief, but it should be used to enhance the hook, further engaging your target. You want to make sure that you don't give away a whole summary here, but just some information that will seal the deal and convince the reader to click and read.
This strategy can work for driving traffic to not only articles but also to videos or blog posts. If you're using social bookmarking for traffic on your blog, don't make the mistake of using your blogs homepage as a bookmark, since it's a common mistake. Don't simply bookmark the main domain of your blog. By doing this, you are using up your one bookmark. It can also become very random. It is better that you bookmark the exact post you want people to read. Not only will users be more guided, but you will have a better understanding of which posts have attracted readers. Having this information at your disposal will allow you to tailor your content. Therefore, if you are using a blog post or video for your bookmark, remember to bookmark the exact URL, not the main domain. It is also important that you do more than market your site when you become a member of a social bookmarking site. You need to bookmark other peoples sites as well, if you want to get good results. It is crucial to vary your bookmarks. Become a relevant part of the social community and share good sites that people will find interesting or else you'll end up looking like a spammer, which you don't want to happen. Prevent becoming a spammer by looking for articles that are interesting and informative for you and others, give them back to the community, bookmark them, and let others share your find.
I always thought that my principles of SEO where pretty simple and readily available on the Internet. Now I understand that even if you have the answers in front of you it doesn't mean that you will fully or even partially understand how to achieve top positions in search engines. For example, you can give me the ingredients and instructions on how to bake a cake but I still won't do a very good job baking a cake. Give me a paint set with tracing paper and I will still give you art that looks like it came from a 2nd grader. Search engine optimization is the same way. If you don't have the natural skill and understanding, if you don't have passion for your art, if you don't fully understand the concepts without a manual, your not an SEO expert or an SEO practitioner in any way. All the answers for SEO sit one click away from you, free SEO tips are all over the internet, instruction manuals are all online and are provided for free and still search engine optimization may be one of the most difficult and mysterious topics discussed on internet.