o Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0/Microsoft Great Plains. This ERP was first facility of Great Plains Software - Great Plains dynamics and large eEnterprise in earlier and medium-sized light technician beat the market. If you, the IT boom remember those old good days - no one knew what operating system win: UNIX/Solaris, Microsoft Windows, Apple MAC OS. This is why - the traditional (and ground-breaking and methods) for those days, the creation of a shell was written in C language to abstract you from graphical platform,. Great Plains dexterity was this shell programming language (Sanscript). The second idea was to the Great Plains dynamics of database platform, abstract but the abstraction happened on the level of the "budget" database platforms: aBaum/Faircomm and Btrive, later pervasive SQL 2000 for Microsoft SQL Server-6.5/7.0/2000 approach used by Great Plains Atomic stored procedures, to accelerate access to the database. Today are Microsoft Dynamics GP/Great Plains versions 5.5, 6.0, 7.0, 7.5 for Atree and pervasive, but since version 8.0 Microsoft Great Plains is available on MS SQL Server/MSDE platform only. Official language English - like South East Asia is currently Microsoft Great Plains 9.0 UK, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and other countries where, for example, offered, in Canada, United States, Latin America, (including Canadian version for Quebec).
o Microsoft Navision/Navision attain/Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Some ERP Analytics believe that Microsoft Great Plains Business Solutions (later renamed to Microsoft business solutions) purchased Navision Software (since 1984). The fundamental ideas of Navision come to their own shell - C/SIDE database proprietary platform: C/SIDE, etc.. Microsoft Navision is to be flexible and grow with your business - from small to upper middle class. Microsoft Navision Software had before his own marketing plans be acquired by Microsoft and extended in continental Europe, UK, United States (in competition with great plains and Solomon software). If Navision was bought by Microsoft - Microsoft business solutions offered and supported by Navision in Eastern Europe: Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, etc.. In addition it tried Navision in Brazil (over 100 implementations - 2005). Navision is more flexible localization challenge (as Microsoft Great Plains)
o Microsoft Axapta and Microsoft Dynamics AX - it seems to star for Microsoft rise and it can compete with upper middle class ERP/MRP. Axapta has modern design and its ability to expand is still in its modern architectural model (in contrast to Great Plains or Navision - where we integration with MS Office, Web fronts/business portal/eConnect/e-commerce-type see improvements). End of 2005 we see activity for Axapta and consultant to sign training US and UK MBS VAR.
o Microsoft Dynamics SL/Microsoft Solomon - is this ERP for project companies.
o Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 and Microsoft CRM 3.0. This CRM solution by Microsoft is the majority of the Microsoft new ideas and innovations: Microsoft Exchange, Active Directory, XML Web services, that driven MS CRM SDK with c# and VB.NET example code. Currently MS CRM 1.2 and 3.0 integration in Microsoft Dynamics GP 7.5, 8.0 (with Service patch) and 9.0 has (coming...)